- 2008-11-12腭咽閉合不全
- 2008-11-12扁桃體周圍膿腫(peritonsillar abscess)
- 2008-11-12鼻咽纖維血管瘤(angiofibroma of nasopharynx)
- 2008-11-12白血病性咽峽炎
- 2008-11-12鼻咽癌(carcinoma of nasopharynx)
- 2008-11-12顏面部癤癰(furuncle and carbuncle of face)
- 2008-11-12牙齦瘤(epulis)
- 2008-11-12炎性疾?。╥nflammatory disorders)
- 2008-11-12牙髓病
- 2008-11-12牙本質過敏癥(dentine hypersensitivity)
- 2008-11-12血管瘤及脈管畸形
- 2008-11-12楔狀缺損(tetracycline stainedteeth)
- 2008-11-12鎖合
- 2008-11-12涎石病(sialolithiasis)
- 2008-11-12四環(huán)素牙(tetracycline stainedteeth)
- 2008-11-12舌下囊腫(sublingual gland cyst)
- 2008-11-12顴骨、顴弓骨折
- 2008-11-12舌癌(carcinoma of tongue)
- 2008-11-12齲?。╠ental caries tooth decay)(2)
- 2008-11-12齲?。╠ental caries tooth decay)(1)
- 2008-11-12青少年牙周炎(juvenile periodontitis ,JP)
- 2008-11-12前牙深覆蓋
- 2008-11-12前牙反合
- 2008-11-12顳下頜關節(jié)脫位(dislocation of the TMJ)